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AW in the West

The West may be known for its wide open spaces, yet boaters also recognize that many of the continent's mightiest rivers have their headwaters in this region, including the Colorado River and Salmon. Given the strict water law in these states, it's a wonder that the public is left any water to recreate on and the fish any water habitat to breed. Yet, with our focus on conservation and access, we are trying to protect the environment, rivers, and water that the public adores in this majestic landscape.

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West Rosebud Creek Releases Now Scheduled and More Reliable (MT)

01/28/2025 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater and our affiliate club, Beartooth Paddlers have worked with the power company and other stakeholders to simplify and schedule the summer recreational pulse flows on West Rosebud Creek, located southeast of Livingston, MT. For the past decade these dam releases have mitigated some of the hydropower project’s impacts on recreation, but their unpredictability caused challenges for visitors as well as dam operators. The new approach will remedy those issues, and now the public can plan their boating trips to West Rosebud Creek well in advance. Under the new approach, whitewater releases will be conducted the first weekend in July (Saturday and Sunday releases) and the second and third Saturdays (only) in July. These dates have been scheduled for the next ten years.

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Comment on Proposed Management Plan for Flathead River Forks (MT)

01/15/2025 - by Kevin Colburn

The Flathead National Forest is looking to create a new river management plan for the Wild and Scenic forks of the Flathead River. They’ve shared a “proposed action” that is a draft sketch of what they intend to include in the plan, and are seeking public comment by February 7, 2025. The forks of the Flathead River offer boaters the chance to fly, hike, ride a horse or drive into various sections to experience clear emerald water, excellent scenery, and the chance to see a wide range of wildlife, through trips that allow for a lot of freedom and flexibility. The Forest Service proposes to implement some good river protection measures, require a permit but not to limit the number of permits, and to track use and other metrics based in part of proposed user capacities. Boaters are encouraged to read the proposed action and share your thoughts with the Forest Service. 

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Forest Service Abandons Idaho River Protections

01/14/2025 - by Kevin Colburn

On January 10th, the U.S. Forest Service released the Final Record of Decision (ROD) for the updated Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Management Plan. The decision protects only 12 rivers as potential Wild and Scenic Rivers, down from 29 rivers that had been protected for decades, and the 88 that the agency found eligible for protection under the new plan. The decision will allow the agency to carry out other management actions called for in the plan without safeguarding the unprotected streams’ recreational, scenic, and fisheries values. Many hundreds of people spoke up through public comments seeking and defending river protections throughout the decade-plus long forest planning process, to no avail. The new forest plan will govern the management of the Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest for roughly the next 20 years, unless it is invalidated through litigation. 

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Local Coalition Celebrates Commission Ruling to Protect Colorado's Waters

09/09/2022 - by Kestrel Kunz

During this year’s World Water Week, a coalition including community members, anglers, recreation groups, and conservation organizations are celebrating the finalization of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission’s decision to designate over 520 miles on 25 streams across Southwest Colorado as Outstanding Waters. The coalition came together from across the state, dedicating three years to demonstrating that these streams have high water quality, exceptional recreational and ecological values, and that they warrant protection. The Commission’s designation of these waterways marks the adoption of the largest community proposal for Outstanding Waters in Colorado’s history.

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Black Canyon Put-In Closed for 2021 Season (CO)

04/06/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

The National Park Service and Bureau of Reclamation announced this week that the East Portal Road which serves as the put-in for the Black Canyon section of the Gunnison River will be closed for maintenance for the duration of the 2021 season. While the road closure is an unfortunate obstacle for many this season, the needed maintenance of the road will lead to fewer unexpected road closures due to rockfall and will improve access to the Black Canyon for the long term. American Whitewater will track the status of the road closure and we will share an update as soon as access to the Black Canyon is reopened.  

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Train Operations in Eagle and Arkansas Corridors to Require Full Review (CO)

03/25/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

This morning, the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) made a much-anticipated decision on the revival of the Tennessee Pass Rail Line - a 160-mile rail line that follows the Eagle and Arkansas Rivers between Sage and Parkdale, Colorado. The STB formally rejected Colorado, Midland and Pacific Railway’s (CMPR) request to be exempt from oversight and regulation of their proposed operation on the line, which would be leased under an agreement with Union Pacific. This decision comes nearly three months after CMPR filed a notice of exemption on December 31, 2020, as people were bringing in the new year. 

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Help Protect Colorado’s Western Slope Rivers this Valentine’s Day

02/09/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

American Whitewater is asking the paddling community to step up this Valentine’s Day to help protect rivers like the Taylor, Oh-Be-Joyful, and San Miguel rivers in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests (GMUG) in Colorado. This Valentine’s Day and for the whole month of February we are collecting LOVE LETTERS from you to your favorite river in the Gunnison and Uncompahgre National Forests. We want to hear directly from you about why you love these rivers and why they are worth protecting. We have made this easy-to-use form to submit your letter to us! 

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Urgent: Help Protect Browns Canyon and the Arkansas and Eagle River Valleys

01/21/2021 - by Hattie Johnson

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if up to 10 trains full of heavy crude oil and hazardous chemicals were rumbling by while paddling the Arkansas or Eagle Rivers. It would, without question, change the experience in negative ways, including opening up the opportunity for the major disturbances associated with any kind of derailment and spill of hazardous materials into the river.  We need your help today to protect these incredible places. This past New Year’s Eve, Colorado Midland and Pacific Railway filed a notice of exemption for lease and operations of the Tennessee Pass line that runs through the Eagle and Arkansas Valleys to Parkdale. You have two options to make your voice heard. We have created a sign on letter to be submitted along with American Whitewater’s’s technical comments. However, if you’ve got the time to go the extra mile, we’ve included detailed directions below to submit your own filing directly to the Surface Transportation Board. Please follow these directions carefully and copy if you decide to file your own comments. Comments are due by January 22 - please take action today! 

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Little CO River Dams Receive Preliminary Permits, New Proposal Submitted (AZ)

06/21/2020 - by Kestrel Kunz

In October of 2019, we reported that Phoenix-based hydroelectric company, Pumped Hydro Storage, submitted applications to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for preliminary permits for two different hydroelectric projects in the Little Colorado River basin. At the end of May, both proposals received approval for their preliminary permits despite formal intervention from Native American tribes, American Whitewater, many of our members, and numerous environmental organizations. Thank you to those of you who provided your comments to FERC! These comments are on record and will help the continued fight against these dams. Next up, the same hydropower company has submitted another preliminary dam proposal on Big Canyon. American Whitewater is reviewing the Big Canyon application and is working on providing our supporters with guidance to submit your own comments.

AW releases Saint Vrain and Lefthand Creek Recreational Flow Study - CO

12/14/2018 - by Nathan Fey

Longmont, Colorado - As part of a comprehensive Stream Management Plan for the St Vrain Creek Watershed, American Whitewater is collecting and compiling data on recreational uses, and identifying projects and strategies to improve stream health, recreation, and environmental conditions in the region. You can help with this extensive effort. Please participate in the Recreational Flow survey.


Support Colorado River Access on Colorado Gives Day!

11/29/2018 - by Kestrel Kunz

Colorado Gives Day is on December 4 this year and is fast approaching! Go here to schedule your online donation to support American Whitewater's Colorado River Access Program. All donations made to American Whitewater on Colorado Gives Day (December 4) will be put towards our River Access Program in Colorado. American Whitewater works to improve river access and public safety throughout the state by working with landowners and managers, paddlers, law enforcement, and lawmakers to understand Colorado's river access laws and the ongoing threats to public safety. Thank you for your support!

Voluntary River Closure Proposed On the Slate River (CO)

11/02/2018 - by Kestrel Kunz

Crested Butte CO - Alleged disruption to a Heron Rookery and concerned private landowners have led to a "Voluntary Closure" of the Slate River from the Gunsight Bridge to the Town of Crested Butte between March 15 and June 21 for the 2019 season. The Slate River between Oh Be Joyful Campground and Skyland Bridge, a 10.5 mile stretch, provides an incredibly scenic and unique flatwater paddling experience in the Gunnison Valley. The Voluntary clsoure is a product of the Slate River Floating Management Plan, created by a Working Group convened by the Town of Crested Butte and the Crested Butte Land Trust. The Working Group was created in direct response to pressure from the local community including conservationists and private landowners adjacent to the river, who are concerned that a recent increase in boating activity is disturbing a Heron Rookery that straddles the Slate River. 

AW Comments on Colorado Nat'l Forest Wilderness Process

09/05/2018 - by Kestrel Kunz

Today, September 5, marked the close of the public review process for the DRAFT Wilderness Evaluation Report. The Evaluation Phase is the second step of 4 different steps required in the assessment of lands that may be suitable for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). American Whitewater thoroughly reviewed the DRAFT Wilderness Evaluation Report and submitted our comments to the Forest Service on September 4, 2018. Overall, we found that key paddling reaches throughout the GMUG area were greatly under-represented in the Polygon narratives and thus weren't acknowledged as contributing factors to the Polygon's respective Wilderness Ratings. We let the Forest Service know this, highlighting specific paddling reaches that should be added to each Polygon and which Polygons we believe should have a higher Wilderness Rating based on the high-quality recreation opportunities that each area has to offer. 

Please stay tuned as we continue to report on the GMUG Land Management Revision Process and in the meantime you can learn more about the GMUG here. (Photo of Josh King by Nick Spitzer)

2018 Colorado Whitewater Events

04/02/2018 - by Kestrel Kunz

It's that time of year folks! Colorado Event Season is soon upon us. Whether you've been training all winter in preparation or whether you just enjoy a good show and boating with your friends, these classic Colorado river events are not to miss! 

In addition to the many whitewater festivals that American Whitewater partners with in Colorado, we are excited to announce that AW is hosting Gore Fest again this year! We hope to see you at Rancho Del Rio on August 24 - 26. Stay tuned for more details on race registration, entertainment, and volunteer opportunities.

TAKE ACTION: Comment on the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area Management Plan

11/01/2017 - by Kestrel Kunz

ARKANSAS RIVER, Colo. - The Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) is revising their Management Plan for the first time since 2001. The new Draft Plan was made publicly available in October and the AHRA is accepting public comments through November 10, 2017 (next week!). In order to design effective and productive comments, American Whitewater has thoroughly reviewed the Draft Plan, discussed the Plan with our local Affiliate Clubs, attended AHRA Public Open Houses, and reached out to key members of the local paddling community. To make it easy for you to SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS, American Whitewater staff have compiled our key concerns and comments for your review. 

Colorado Honors the legacy of Matt Brown

10/30/2017 - by Nathan Fey

Gunnison, Colorado - Last Wednesday, Matt Brown - longtime river guide, adventurer, and pillar of the Gunnison Valley community- passed away tragically after an accident in Moab. Matt was so much to so many.  At the request of his family and friends, contributions in Matt's memory can be made to American Whitewater’s River Access work in Colorado.  Matt was a strong ally and advisor in our work to protect the public’s rights to float and fish in the State.  We miss him immensely.

Save The Date: Wild West River Fest (WY)

07/03/2017 - by Kestrel Kunz

Cody, Wyoming - This August 19 & 20 the Wild West Paddle Club is hosting the 2017 Wild West River Fest in Cody, Wyoming. In celebration of the beautiful Shoshone River, the Fest has events for everyone - Slalom Race, Class II Sprint, Shoshone Canyon Boater Cross, and many other fun activities for the whole family! Weekend festivities are free to the public, with the exception of race registration fees for competitors. You can find a full schedule here and all competitors need to register online in advance.  

A Successful River Cleanup on the St. Vrain (Lyons, CO)

06/07/2017 - by Kestrel Kunz

On Sunday, nearly 50 people gathered on the banks of the St. Vrain River to pick up trash from the water and the shoreline. We started the day off with Hotbox Roasters coffee and donuts, and a few words about River Stewardship – the common cause that brought us all together. We found bedframes, rusty nails, lawn chairs, car doors, plastic water bottles, candy wrappers, fast food containers, and it doesn’t stop there. Our findings are likely a combination of leftover debris from the floods, illegal waste dumping along the river, and built up trash from years of careless passers-by. Thank you to all those that came out for the river cleanup! American Whitewater depends on our affiliate clubs, members, and dedicated volunteers in order to tackle our many River Stewardship projects.  

Green River Boat Passage Officially Open! - UT

04/06/2017 - by Kestrel Kunz

American Whitewater staff traveled to Green River, UT in late March to meet with private water users and state agencies, and to participate in the official opening of the new boat passage through the Green River Diversion (Tusher Dam). Completion of the boat passage has freed the Green River from its last in-stream obstruction between the Flaming Gorge Dam and the confluence with the Colorado River – over 400 floatable river miles through iconic canyons and historic landmarks. It has a been a long process, and our work isn’t over yet! As your boating representative, American Whitewater will continue to work closely with the dam operators and Utah’s Division of State Lands (FFSL) to ensure that the boat passage meets the needs of the public during its inaugural year.

Releases to Lower Dolores River certain in 2017.

02/17/2017 - by Nathan Fey

Cortez, Colorado - Last week, American Whitewater met with local water managers, fisheries biologists, an other interests in Dolores River water, to start negotiating releases from McPhee Dam - like we do every spring.  This year, things are looking very good for the Dolores...

Associated News

Related Groups

Sign up to join the Sultan River (WA) working group and stay informed on issues related to improving flows through hydropower relicensing.

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Sign up to join the Sultan River (WA) working group and stay informed on issues related to improving flows through hydropower relicensing.

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Associated Projects

Bear River Restoration (ID)

Hydropower relicensing on the Bear River offered an opportunity to restore aquatic resources and recreational opportunities on this river.

Boundary Creek (ID)

AW lead the charge to stop a dam and diversion project from being built on Northern Idaho's stunning and remote Boundary Creek.

Clean Water Act

American Whitewater's advocacy to protect water quality.

Colorado River Access (CO)

The decades old debate over public use of waterways in Colorado continues, and AW is working to protect the rights of all paddlers to enjoy Colorado's Rivers.

Colorado SWSI (CO)

Colorado's Statewide Water Supply Initiative may very well determine the fate of Colorado's whitewater rivers by dictating how much water can be removed from rivers to serve a growing population.

Conservation System

The National Landscape Conservation System represents the crown jewels of BLM lands and rivers.

Dolores River (CO)

American Whitewater is working to conserve and restore a dynamic, healthy Dolores River by leveraging recreational water needs to enhance and support in-stream flows.

Grand Canyon

American Whitewater has long worked on the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. From fighting dam proposal decades ago, to advocating for equitable access in the recent development of a new management

Green River (WY/UT/CO)

A private firm in Colorado has identified the Green River in Wyoming as a potential source of new water supplies for Colorado's growing East Slope. The proposal to divert more than 250,000 acre-feet o

Lower Salmon River (ID)

The Lower Salmon River offers a wonderful multi-day river trip managed by the BLM, yet us under-protected compared to most other multi-day destinations. AW has worked with the BLM on recreational man

Milltown Dam Removal (MT)

AW participated in this landmark dam removal process throughout the FERC process.

Milner Whitewater (ID)

AW supports the efforts of local paddlers who have advocated for whitewater recreation on the Milner Mile.

Montana Headwaters

The Montana Headwaters Campaign is a creative grassroots approach to conserving some of Montana's and the continents most incredible rivers. American Whitewater is one of the champions of this issue,

New Mexico Stream Access

Issues on the privatizing of public streams in New Mexico

Snake Headwaters (WY)

American Whitewater joined a coalition of partners to designate the Snake Headwaters as Wild and Scenic.

Swan River, Bigfork Hydro (MT)

AW negotiated scheduled recreational releases, flow information, public access, and land protection as part of a new hydro license on the Swan River in Montana.

Upper Colorado River (CO)

American Whitewater is working with various stakeholders to develop a resource management plan for the BLM, as an alternative to "Wild and Scenic River" management.

Virgin River (UT)

AW advocates for paddling opportunities and stewardship of the Virgin River.

West Rosebud (MT)

AW is working with Beartooth Paddlers on the relicensing of the Mystic Lake Hydroelectric Project on West Rosebud Creek

Windy Gap Firming Project (CO)

American Whitewater is working to protect outstanding paddling opportunities in Colorado, and a healthy Colorado River system from future water development.

Yampa River (CO)

AW is working to preserve the free-flowing character of the Yampa River, while multiple interests set their sights on the Yampa as a new source for clean, high quality water supplies for Oil and Gas d

Yellowstone and Grand Teton

AW has advocated for opportunities to experience the incredible rivers of Yellowstone National and Grand Teton National Parks through paddling.

Associated Rivers


Colorado Policy Pathways (1/6/2020)

A write up of how American Whitewater is approaching its Colorado Policy Program.

Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee Legislative Hearing Testimony (11/1/2021)

Testimony on S. 180, Buffalo Tract Protection Act; S. 1459, Protecting Unique and Beautiful Landscapes by Investing in California (PUBLIC) Lands Act; S. 1493, Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act; S. 1538, Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act; and S. 1589, Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act.

Upcoming Events

Calendar Control Date:
Calendar by Date by Title

July 2025

West Rosebud
09:00 am -2:00 pm america/denver
NorthWestern will endeavor to release 500 cfs for 5 hours.500-500 cfs

Fall River July Release
09:00 am -5:00 pm america/boise
4th of July weekend release, which must be at least 650 cfs but could also be higher. 650 cfs

West Rosebud
09:00 am -2:00 pm america/denver
NorthWestern will endeavor to release 500 cfs for 5 hours.500-500 cfs

Fall River July Release
09:00 am -5:00 pm america/boise
4th of July weekend release, which must be at least 650 cfs but could also be higher. 650 cfs

West Rosebud
09:00 am -2:00 pm america/denver
NorthWestern will endeavor to release 500 cfs for 5 hours.500-500 cfs

West Rosebud
09:00 am -2:00 pm america/denver
NorthWestern will endeavor to release 500 cfs for 5 hours.500-500 cfs


Swan River Releases Bigfork,MT runs 07/04/07 - 08/30/17
[+] favorites
Dolores River Releases Delores,CO runs 04/01/08 - 06/30/08
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Bear River Releases Grace,ID runs 05/03/08 - 09/15/24
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CKS PaddleFest Buena Vista,CO runs 05/27/16 - 05/29/16
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Dolores River Releases Dolores,CO runs 04/01/17 - 04/01/17
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Ogden GNARrows Down River Race 2017 Ogden,UT runs 09/23/17 - 09/23/17
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Ogden GNARrows Down River Race 2017 Ogden,UT runs 09/23/17 - 09/23/17
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Gore Canyon Festival Bond,CO runs 08/24/18 - 08/26/18
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West Rosebud Roscoe,MT runs 07/05/25 - 07/19/25, next 07/05/25
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Fall River July Release Ashton,ID runs 07/05/25 - 07/06/25, next 07/05/25
[+] favorites

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