Document - North Fork Skykomish Road EA Scoping Comments
We are pleased to learn that the NEPA process is underway for the repairs to the Index-Galena Road at mile post 6.4-6.9. We support the decision to analyze this project through an Environmental Assessment as we believe this will allow all issues to be fully considered and reviewed while providing a more robust defense to any concerns that may be raised regarding this project. We strongly support restoration of vehicle access along this river corridor in light of its regional importance for river-based recreation. The river is a State Scenic Waterway and has been recommended by the Forest Service for Wild and Scenic designation in part due to its significance as a recreational resource. With this status, there are important considerations with respect to construction projects that could impact river values, but we believe the project can be designed to protect and enhance the river-dependent values unique to the North Fork Skykomish River.Description
Scoping comments of American Whitewater on repair the North Fork road from mile 6.4 to 6.9.Document Information
Filename - North Fork Skykomish Road EA Scoping Comments987.pdf
Size - 178.83KB
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Associated Rivers
Skykomish, N. Fork
Skykomish, N. Fork
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Skykomish Stewardship (WA)
AW is actively engaged in the conservation of the Skykomish River and its tributaries and advocacy for public access.