Document - DNR Middle Fork Snoqualmie Support Letter
American Whitewater is writing in enthusiastic support of the proposal to designate 10,270 acres of Department of Natural Resources (DNR) managed lands as the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA) in King County. The Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River and its upland forests are ecologically significant, and through the Wild and Scenic River study process the river itself, including the section that passes through DNR-managed lands, has been identified as possessing outstanding remarkable values of regional and national significance that include fishery resources, wildlife habitat, and recreation. The DNR managed lands are contiguous with federal lands identified for long-term conservation which will collectively result in more than 30,000 acres of newly protected lands contiguous with the existing Mt. Si NRCA and Alpine Lakes Wilderness.Description
Letter of support for the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Natural Resources Conservation AreaDocument Information
Filename - DNR Middle Fork Snoqualmie Support Letter682.pdf
Size - 157.79KB
Associated Projects
Middle Fork Snoqualmie (WA)
AW has been working on resource stewardship along the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie in Washington and protecting this drainage for the incredible recreational opportunities it provides.
Associated Rivers
Snoqualmie, Middle Fork
4 - Concrete Bridge to Tanner (Middle-Middle) II-III+(IV)