Document - Skykomish Scenic River Recreational Access Study


This study is an effort to begin to resolve uncontrolled public access along the Skykomish River. Local citizens and other river interests directed the State Parks Scenic Rivers Program to study the problem of private property trespass and high concentrations of public use along the Skykomish Scenic River System. The Skykomish Scenic River Citizen Advisory Board and State Parks Scenic River staff have conducted public workshops throughout the valley to gather recommendations to solve these river problems. This study is the result of those workshops and other expert advice.


Washington State Parks Scenic Rivers Program study of access needs and concerns along the Skykomish River corridor, a designated State Scenic River.

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Filename - Skykomish Scenic River Recreational Access Study642.pdf

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Associated Rivers

Associated Gauges

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Gage Reading Last Updated
Skykomish-2 - Railroad Bridge to Big Eddy (AW#40605) 0.3 r.c. 01h26m
Skykomish-3 - Big Eddy to Monroe (AW#39399) 0.4 r.c. 01h26m

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Skykomish Stewardship (WA)

AW is actively engaged in the conservation of the Skykomish River and its tributaries and advocacy for public access.

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