Document - Maple Creek Site Plan: Public River Access and Restoration
The Maple Creek Site Plan: Public River Access and Restoration document is intended to provide information about the planning process and design recommendations for a new public access site along State Highway 542 of the North Fork Nooksack River. Located between two established river access sites, Horseshoe Bend Trailhead and Welcome Bridge in Whatcom County, Washington, this area has been identified multiple times as needing a new managed river access site. Th is plan details how potential sites within this reach were identified, inventoried and ultimately analyzed to determine one suitable site for development. Maple Creek was selected as being the most suitable for a new river access site, and later chapters in this plan go into detail about recommendations for site interventions and implementation. Information and recommendations contained in this plan are a reflection of a year-long, collaborative, community and stakeholder process. Built on past efforts, and newly formed partnerships, this plan seeks to establish a site that reflects the common goals and shared values between local partners and stakeholders. Common shared goals and values include providing safe public access along the North Fork Nooksack River; while working to protect, restore, and enhance the riparian forest and natural river systems. These goals and values helped shape and guide the development of this plan.Description
Planning process and design recommendations for a new public access site along State Highway 542 of the North Fork Nooksack RiverDocument Information
Filename - Maple Creek Site Plan: Public River Access and Restoration2567.pdf
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Associated Projects
Nooksack Stewardship (WA)
Public access, hydropower development, and resource stewardship are all ongoing issues on this river system.
Associated Rivers
Nooksack, N. Fork
Nooksack, N. Fork