Document - Chehalis River Proposed Dam Comments
I am writing on behalf of American Whitewater regarding the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project (DEIS). American Whitewater is opposed to a new dam on the Chehalis River (aka Flood Retention Expandable Facility). The State of Washington should cease efforts to dam the Chehalis. Instead, the Department of Ecology should lead an effort to enhance natural floodplain storage capacity, provide mitigation and assistance to landowners in the floodplain, discourage new floodplain development, and improve opportunities for the public to use and enjoy private forest lands for recreation. Healthy rivers, vibrant fish runs, and outdoor recreation are keystones to the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest. We should be seeking ways to secure these values for the future while addressing the issues of flooding and fisheries declines.Description
American Whitewater Comments on Washington State Department of Ecology’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction ProjectDocument Information
Filename - Chehalis River Proposed Dam Comments2285.pdf
Size - 208.05KB
Associated Projects
American Whitewater is committed to the stewardship and conservation of the Chehalis River where a new dam is proposed.
Associated Rivers
Chehalis, E. Fork
Chehalis, W. Fork
mile 3 to Chehalis River III-IV
1 - West Fork to Pe Ell III-IV