Document - Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project: Faraday Diversion Whitewater Boating Study
The Faraday Diversion segment on the Clackamas River is a 1.8-mile bypass reach between the Faraday Diversion Dam and the Faraday Powerhouse. The boatable segment is a short but relatively steep pooldrop river, with seven to eight Class III-IV rapids. Access is limited to trails extending down from PGE roads that are generally high above the river. This reach currently has a minimum instream flow (120 cfs); higher flows only occur when inflows exceed the 5,200 cfs capacity of the Faraday Powerhouse. These “spill” events occur about 34 days per year, tend to be relatively short, and feature very high flows compared to base flows (often exceeding 3,000 cfs).Description
Study of whitewater boating opportunities on the Faraday Reach of the Clackamas River.Document Information
Filename - Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project: Faraday Diversion Whitewater Boating Study161.pdf
Size - 583.45KB
Associated Rivers
Associated Projects
Clackamas Stewardship (OR)
AW has been a stakeholder in licensing of the hydroelectric projects on this river and protection of key tributaries through the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.