Document - West Coast River Touring


Along the Pacific Coast of the United States runs a nearly continuous chain of mountains. Water flows from these peaks westward into the Pacific Ocean and in Northern California, eastward into the Sacramento River. This book provides a comprehensive description of the boating on the streams and rivers flowing in both directions from the coastal mountain range, from the Rogue River Valley in Oregon to and including the Salinas River Valley in California. The upper Sacramento River itself is included along with the Sacramento Valley tributaries on the west side. Nearly every creek or river with at least 100 square miles of drainage area is considered here. Some streams have been omitted because they have too steep a gradient or too low a water flow even in winter. Of the 1,700 miles of river described, all but 80 miles have been run by the author. This guide is intended to satisfy the needs of a wide range of boaters - those who paddle canoes or kayaks or row rafts or dories. Part I gives an overyiew of different types of boats and equipment, whitewater techniques, safety principles, resources for river tourers, and a description of the federal and state Wild and Scenic Rivers Acts. Part II contains detailed descriptions of 170 river runs including the major rapids and directions on where to put in and take out. Historical notes about early explorations andgold mining, along with conservation issues, will add to the interest of planning a trip.


A whitewater guidebook to the Pacific Coast of the United States from the Rogue River to the Salinas Valley in California.

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