Comment on Proposed Management Plan for Flathead River Forks (MT)
The Flathead National Forest is looking to create a new river management plan for the Wild and Scenic forks of the Flathead River. They’ve shared a “proposed action” that is a draft sketch of what they intend to include in the plan, and are accepting public comment by February 7, 2025. The forks of the Flathead River offers boaters the chance to fly, hike, ride a horse or drive into various sections to experience clear emerald water, excellent scenery, and the chance to see a wide range of wildlife, through trips that allow for a lot of freedom and flexibility. The Forest Service proposes to implement some good river protection measures, require a permit but not to limit the number of permits, and to track use and other metrics based in part of proposed user capacities. Boaters are encouraged to read the proposed action and share your thoughts with the Forest Service.
We are still reviewing the proposed action here at American Whitewater. So far, we like the plan to bring standard conservation measures to these rivers like the use of fire pans, the requirement to pack out human waste, and limit group sizes. It is time. The plan to require permits (but not limit the number of them) to track use is a good one, and we hope they make permits easy to get on-site. The plan proposes to eliminate car camping opportunities on cobble bars and we feel like that action should be paired with adding some low-key camping elsewhere in the corridor for river users. The plan also breaks up some of the rivers into sections for different management actions and standards, but doesn’t sufficiently emphasize that a significant number of people boat the entire frontcountry sections of the North and Middle Forks as multi-day trips.
We are not quite sure what to think about the proposed user capacities and outfitter allocations yet, and look forward to reviewing the data behind these proposals in the next phase of plan development. Some of the crowding measurements, like encounters triggers, seem too low to us, including no more than five parties boating above Schafer Meadows on the Middle Fork each year, and no more than three boats per day (which could be kayaks) exiting the Wilderness section of the Middle Fork. These triggers have other caveats, and do not automatically trigger management limits, but regardless they seem lower than they should be to cause concern.
The proposed action is careful to emphasize that user capacities are not restrictions on visitor use, or a mandatory use level that should or must be met. Planning is hard but important, and these rivers deserve exceptional management and close monitoring. We commend the Forest Service for taking this project on and we hope that boaters can be active participants in developing a plan that protects these rivers and provides for sustainable and world class paddling experiences.
You can learn more and read the proposed action here:
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