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Powerhouse Outage Adds to Spring Flows on South Yuba (CA)

Posted: 03/30/2024
By: Jeff Venturino

The South Yuba River will soon experience spring runoff season, and we have received news there is a Pacific Gas & Electric powerhouse outage on the South Yuba. PG&E discovered a leak in their Spaulding 1 Powerhouse below Lake Spaulding that required them to shut it down. Unfortunately, the failure creates a critical water supply issue for Nevada Irrigation District (NID) and could seriously impact NID customers and irrigators. Nevertheless, American Whitewater is informing the paddling community that the powerhouse outage will increase the volume and duration of spring flows on the South Yuba including Yuba Gap, Washington to Edwards, Edwards to Purdons, Purdons to Bridgeport, and 49 to Bridgeport. 
Without the Spaulding 1 Powerhouse, PG&E does not have a way to release or divert flows out of Lake Spaulding. The powerhouse has a capacity of 600 cfs or 1190 AF per day. Consequently, Lake Spaulding will likely fill, spill earlier and longer into the South Yuba River. PG&E’s most recent estimate of repair for the powerhouse is June 8, 2024. Their anticipated date for Lake Spaulding to fill and spill is between April 3rd and 8th and flows are forecasted to increase to 400-700 cfs with peak flows anticipated between 4,000-6,000 cfs. PG&E will not have the ability to shape these flows and they will follow a natural snowmelt hydrograph. American Whitewater encourages paddlers to check gauges before venturing out and plan accordingly. 

Theresa Simsiman

Sacramento, CA

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Yuba and Bear Rivers (CA)

The Yuba and Bear rivers are some of the best whitewater resources in California. American Whitewater is an active participant in the FERC relicensing negotiations that impact these rivers.