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Flow Survey Announced for Cache La Poudre River (CO)

Posted: 05/10/2020
By: Hattie Johnson

American Whitewater needs your help to define stream flows that support the full range of recreational boating opportunities on the Poudre River in Northern Colorado. Information collected by this study will be used to understand existing use patterns on the river, quantify acceptable flows at the new whitewater park in Fort Collins, and assist in defining the economic impact river recreation has on the region. Please fill out the survey today!

We have developed this survey so individuals and outfitters can report how changes in stream flows affect recreation experience and quality on each of our targeted river segments. Your input will help American Whitewater define the full range of flows necessary to support recreation experiences, from technical, low water to challenging, high water opportunities. This data will be used to develop this range of preferred flows on the mainstem Poudre from Long Draw Reservoir to the whitewater park in Fort Collins. The results of the analysis will allow American Whitewater to evaluate existing opportunities for paddling based on historic hydrology and define how many boatable days can be expected per year. This analysis is being performed in conjunction with an economic impact study of river recreation on the Cache La Poudre with a focus on the effects from new Fort Collins Whitewater Park.

By understanding the historical recreation use of the river and its economic impact on the local community, we will have powerful tools to utilize in advocating for the protection of stream flows. We hope you will participate in the survey, share with your paddling buddies, and stay engaged as we move this project forward.

The study is focused on the following reaches of river:

1) Cache La Poudre - Whitewater Park (Shields River Access to Fort Collins Whitewater Park)

2) Cache La Poudre - Filter Plant (Below Filter Plant to Picnic Rock Access)

3) Cache La Poudre - Bridges (Pine View Falls to Bridges Take-out)

4) Cache La Poudre - Poudre Park (Poudre Park Picnic Ground to below Pine View Falls)

5) Cache La Poudre - Lower Mishawaka (Mishawaka Inn to Poudre Park)

6) Cache La Poudre - Upper Mishawaka (Steven's Gulch Access to Mishawaka Inn)

7) Cache La Poudre - The Narrows (Narrows Picnic Ground to Steven's Gulch Access)

8) Cache La Poudre - Grandpa's GorgeĀ (Indian Meadows Bridge to Narrows Picnic Ground)

9) Cache La Poudre - White Mile Run (Home Moraine to Indian Meadows Bridge)

10) Cache La Poudre - Spencer Heights (Big South Campground to Tunnel Picnic Ground)

11) Cache La Poudre - Big South (Long Draw Reservoir to Big South Campground)

Please encourage your fellow paddlers to complete the survey as well!

Photo: Evan Stafford

American Whitewater's Cache La Poudre Boatable Days and Economic Assessment Project is funded by a grant from the New Belgium Brewing and the New Belgium Family Foundation along with individual contributions. For more information on the project, please use the contact info below.

American Whitewater

Hattie Johnson

Phone: 970-456-8533
Full Profile

Associated Projects

Cache La Poudre (CO)

American Whitewater is working on developing data-based research to advocate for the protection of recreation flows on the Cache La Poudre through Fort Collins.

Associated Gauges

Disclaimer Data Sources
Gage Reading Last Updated
Cache La Poudre-1. Long Draw Reservoir to Big South Campground (AW#37549) -2.2 r.c. 01h12m
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