Eagle River and Gore Creek Flow Survey
We need your help defining paddler flow preferences that support recreational opportunities in the Eagle River watershed. Please take this link to a user survey that will allow you to report on how changes in streamflows affect recreation quality on several sections of the Eagle River and Gore Creek. Information collected by this study will be used to assess river-dependent recreation as part of the Eagle River Community Water Plan. Your input will help identify the full range of flows necessary to support activities like kayaking, rafting, float-fishing, tubing, and stand-up paddle boarding for novice, intermediate, and expert users alike. The information you provide will help protect and enhance local tourism-based economies and the high quality-of-life enjoyed by Eagle County residents.
Stream management planning like this was a directive of the 2015 Colorado Water Plan. The effort underway is prioritizing filling data gaps to better understand environmental and recreational needs on rivers around the state. On this election day, Colorado voters will get a chance to vote on Proposition DD. This proposition will legalize sports better and use the revenue generated towards fully funding the water plan which will help efforts just like this flow study. So, don't forget to VOTE today!
Your participation in studies like these provide powerful and defensible information on flow preferences. We hope you will participate in the survey and share with your paddling buddies who also enjoy Gore Creek and the Eagle River.
Image credit: Evan Stafford