Jared Hogle Named AW Volunteer of the Month Presented by Kokatat
American Whitewater is pleased to recognize Jared Hogle as our Volunteer of the Month for
December, 2009. Jared was and remains the leading local advocate for access to New York's
Ausable Chasm and other regional rivers. Over the past few years, some local and corporate
interests decided that the best way to manage paddling through the Ausable Chasm is with a locked
gate. Jared provided an authentic local voice in favor of providing public access to the
beautiful and unique Class IV river that flows through a narrow vertical walled gorge. His
personal advocacy and his leadership among the paddling community provided the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission with a balanced perspective.
This fall the FERC decided to grant five months of river access annually. Beginning on the Saturday of Memorial Day 2010 the gate will be unlocked, and skilled paddlers will get treated to the incomparable scenery of the Ausable Chasm. American Whitewater staff have worked on this issue since 2000, but without the stalwart local support by paddlers like Jared, it is unlikely that seasonal access would have been granted. A big thanks to Jared, and to all those who wrote letters in favor of public river access on the Ausable.
In recognition of his efforts Jason will be receiving an OuterCore Long-Sleeve Shirt from Kokatat!