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Bear River, California, Flows November 14,15; 18 to 22, and 25 to 29, 2009

Posted: 11/10/2009
By: Bob Center


Nevada Irrigation District (NID) will be releasing 350 cfs into the Bear River below Rollins Reservoir on Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15.  Releases will also happen from Wednesday Nov 18 to Sunday the 22.    From Wednesday November 25 to Sunday the 29th, flows will be 200 cfs.



American Whitewater is partnering with Nevada Irrigation District (NID) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to identify a preferred range of whitewater boating flows on numerous reaches in the Yuba and Bear watersheds. Information obtained from surveys completed by boaters will help us identify flow preferences for whitewater boating. Flow preferences determined from boater surveys will be used to evaluate possible effects on whitewater boating from Project operation and help define flow needs.


Boater input is very important to this process. Please help us, yourself, and your friends by filling out a survey if you paddle this reach this coming weekend. The survey is located at:


Associated Rivers

Associated Projects

Yuba and Bear Rivers (CA)

The Yuba and Bear rivers are some of the best whitewater resources in California. American Whitewater is an active participant in the FERC relicensing negotiations that impact these rivers.