West River Hydropower Proposal Meetings Scheduled
A private hydropower company has proposed to install hydropower generation facilities in two Army
Corps of Engineers Dams on the West River (VT), including Ball Mountain Dam which provides
releases into the popular whitewater section of the West. The Company, Blue Heron Hydro (BHH) is
hosting a public meeting and site visit to discuss their proposal. Paddlers interested in the
effects that the hydropower installation may have on the West River are encouraged to attend the
meeting and site visit.
The site visit is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2009, starting at 1:30 p.m at Ball
Mountain intake tower, and proceeding to the Townshend intake tower. Parties interested in
participating in the site visit should meet at the Ball Mountain intake tower off of Route 30 in
Jamaica, Vermont at 1:30 pm. The public meeting will be at 6:30 pm that evening at the Jamaica
Town Hall, located on Route 30 in Jamaica, Vermont.
The agenda for the public meeting will be:
(a) a brief description of the proposed projects,
(b) an explanation of the FERC licensing process,
(c) a discussion of the anticipated study program, and
(d) obtaining the views of the public regarding resource issues to be addressed in the license
American Whitewater and other paddling and conservation organizations are not fundamentally
opposed to the installation of hydropower facilities into Government dams. There are of
course potential impacts of the installation including impacts to recreational access, the rapid
near the dam, the scenery in the area, and flow regimes. With that said, Ball Mountain Dam
currently has poorly designed release structures that may impact aquatic habitat and fish passage
and are known to limit recreational use. It is at least feasible that thoughtful
installation of hydropower facilities could improve fish passage and downstream conditions for
fish and paddlers alike. We ask that paddlers keep an open mind and voice any concerns they
may have about this proposal.
You can learn more by searching for “p-13226” on the ferc.gov website using FERC's e-library.
Interested paddlers who choose not to speak at the meeting, or are unable to attend the meeting
may provide written statements, comments, or information within 60 days of the meeting date, or
by January 19, 2010. All such correspondence should be directed to:
Lori Barg
Blue Heron Hydro LLC
113 Bartlett Road
Plainfield, Vermont 05667