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Army Corps Study Threatens Lehigh River Boating

01/03/2020 - by Bob Nasdor

Paddlers on the Lehigh River below the Francis E. Walter Dam and Reservoir are concerned that a planned study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its partners, the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection will lead to a reduction in whitewater boating opportunities on the Lehigh. The study will evaluate the feasibility of various alternatives to optimize project operation. Aside from the project's authorized primary missions of flood risk management and recreation, the study will also consider water supply and water quality, to identify possible improvements to the existing structure, infrastructure, and operations that will support current and future demands within the region. The Army Corps is holding a public meeting on January 9, 2020 at the Mountain Laurel Resort in White Haven, PA from 6-8 p.m. to explain the study and hear public comments. American Whitewater, Appalachian Mountain Club, and other organizations are expected to file comments with the Army Corps prior to the September 29th deadline in order to share our concerns about the study and potential impacts on boating, the outdoor recreation economy, and the Delaware RIver Basin. We encourage our members to attend the public meeting to voice their concerns.

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Successful Season on the Lehigh

10/12/2011 - by Kevin Colburn

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Philadelphia District  announced it will begin drawing down the pool of the Francis E. Walter Dam to its winter level starting Oct. 17. The draw down follows the completion of the recreation season, which included
all 24 planned whitewater release events and numerous fisheries enhancement

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February Lehigh Meeting Rescheduled

01/21/2011 - by Kevin Colburn

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its partners rescheduled a meeting originally planned for 2/1/11, to 2/16/11.  The Army Corps will announce the Francis E. Walter Dam Flow Management Plan and discuss its implementation for the 2011 recreation season.

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Corps Announces Lehigh Water Shortage (PA)

08/20/2010 - by Kevin Colburn

The U.S. Army Corps Engineers Philadelphia District has updated the Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule for the remainder of the 2010 recreation season. The current level of water storage will not allow the Corps to complete whitewater releases after Aug. 29; however if additional storage is accumulated, the Corps will add releases.

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Lehigh Management Plan to be Released at Meeting

02/14/2010 - by Kevin Colburn

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its partners will host a public meeting to announce the Francis E. Walter Dam Flow Management Plan and discuss its implementation for the 2010 recreation season. The meeting will be held Feb. 18 at the Mountain Laurel Resort, Route 940 West, White Haven, Pa., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

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2009 Lehigh Release Schedule Announced

02/09/2009 - by Kevin Colburn

The Army Corps of Engineers recently announced the 2009 schedule of releases from the Francis E. Walter dam on the Lehigh River. You can read the ACOE Release Notice, or you may also check the AW event calender for the release dates. 

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Lehigh Meeting January 21st (PA)

01/12/2009 - by Kevin Colburn

[UPDATED] The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) is hosting a public meeting to discuss the 2009 Francis E. Walter (Lehigh River) Flow Management Plan and to provide comments and input for consideration.  The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Mountain Laurel Resort on Route 940 near White Haven, Pa.