Help Stop the Gila Diversion

03/25/2015 - by Nathan Fey

A truly misguided proposal would siphon off the last free-flowing New Mexican river and in the process destroy some of the most precious, beautiful and fun river habitat in the entire Southwest. The new diversions, pipelines and reservoirs would harm wildlife, fish and river health, and be devastating to local economies that depend on outdoor recreation. They would also be horrendously expensive, in one recent analysis costing two to three times more than the $300-$500 million estimate. The whole things makes no sense, particularly because there are cheaper and more efficient, and far less environmentally damaging, ways to meet the region’s water needs.

Tell Governor Susana Martinez to stop this misguided Gila Diversion once and for all. 

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Gov. Susana Martinez

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Stop the boondoggle Gila Diversion; New Mexico deserves better, and cheaper water projects
Members of @americanwhitewater say stop the Gila Diversion. Don't spend billions to destroy NM's last wild river
Gila Diversion would destroy our recreation economy, and our last wild river. Stop the boondoogle

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