West Rosebud Creek Releases Now Scheduled and More Reliable (MT)
01/28/2025 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater and our affiliate club, Beartooth Paddlers have worked with the power company and other stakeholders to simplify and schedule the summer recreational pulse flows on West Rosebud Creek, located southeast of Livingston, MT. For the past decade these dam releases have mitigated some of the hydropower project’s impacts on recreation, but their unpredictability caused challenges for visitors as well as dam operators. The new approach will remedy those issues, and now the public can plan their boating trips to West Rosebud Creek well in advance. Under the new approach, whitewater releases will be conducted the first weekend in July (Saturday and Sunday releases) and the second and third Saturdays (only) in July. These dates have been scheduled for the next ten years.
Comment on Proposed Management Plan for Flathead River Forks (MT)
01/15/2025 - by Kevin Colburn
The Flathead National Forest is looking to create a new river management plan for the Wild and Scenic forks of the Flathead River. They’ve shared a “proposed action” that is a draft sketch of what they intend to include in the plan, and are seeking public comment by February 7, 2025. The forks of the Flathead River offer boaters the chance to fly, hike, ride a horse or drive into various sections to experience clear emerald water, excellent scenery, and the chance to see a wide range of wildlife, through trips that allow for a lot of freedom and flexibility. The Forest Service proposes to implement some good river protection measures, require a permit but not to limit the number of permits, and to track use and other metrics based in part of proposed user capacities. Boaters are encouraged to read the proposed action and share your thoughts with the Forest Service.
Forest Service Abandons Idaho River Protections
01/14/2025 - by Kevin Colburn
On January 10th, the U.S. Forest Service released the Final Record of Decision (ROD) for the updated Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Management Plan. The decision protects only 12 rivers as potential Wild and Scenic Rivers, down from 29 rivers that had been protected for decades, and the 88 that the agency found eligible for protection under the new plan. The decision will allow the agency to carry out other management actions called for in the plan without safeguarding the unprotected streams’ recreational, scenic, and fisheries values. Many hundreds of people spoke up through public comments seeking and defending river protections throughout the decade-plus long forest planning process, to no avail. The new forest plan will govern the management of the Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest for roughly the next 20 years, unless it is invalidated through litigation.
2025 Southeast Advanced Release Schedule
12/18/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater and our affiliate clubs have spent the past 25 years working to restore flows to incredible Southeastern rivers impacted by dams. A lot of our work has focused on releases and access on Class II and III rivers like the lower Nantahala, Tuckasegee, Hiwassee, and Catawba, but we also secured releases in some classic steeper reaches previously dewatered by hydroelectric diversions. Each year we meet with power companies and agencies to schedule future releases, review ongoing ecology studies, and discuss any issues with the release programs. We strive to create a schedule with minimal conflicts to maximize recreational value. Below are the 2023 dates for the Class IV/V Cheoah, Nantahala Cascades & Upper, West Fork Tuck, and Tallulah rivers. Also 2025 marks the third year of releases on the Great Falls of the Catawba! Thankfully, none of these rivers were significantly affected by Hurricane Helene.
American Whitewater Sues Agencies for Allowing Mining in Nolichucky River
11/18/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
The Southern Environmental Law Center, on behalf of American Rivers and American Whitewater, sued several federal agencies on Monday, saying the agencies violated federal law by allowing a rail company to mine the Nolichucky River in East Tennessee. Recently CSX Transportation, a major railroad company, began mining the Nolichucky’s riverbed for rock while repairing a rail line that was washed away during Hurricane Helene. Trucking in rock from upland quarries is standard practice and much less destructive. Instead, CSX brought heavy machinery into the Nolichucky River Gorge and began removing rock and fill directly from the riverbed. This dangerous and unnecessary method does irreparable harm to the waterway, hurts local businesses that rely on the river, and increases flooding risks for communities downstream. American Whitewater has worked tirelessly with local paddlers to halt the riverbed mining for several weeks, yet the destruction continues at a rapid rate.
Comment in Support of Whitewater Recreation on the Montreal River (WI/MI)
11/13/2024 - by Thomas O’Keefe
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has provided public notice that they will be reviewing license applications for the Gile Flowage, Saxon Falls, and Superior Falls hydroelectric projects. Their review will impact the future of whitewater opportunities on the West Branch Montreal and Montreal Canyon, including flow management, flow data, and public access. The good news is Northern States Power Company has filed license applications that include accommodations for whitewater recreation. Comments can play a crucial role in documenting the whitewater boating community’s interest in this river and in advocating for accommodations in a future license order. The most effective action our members can take is to provide a brief personal comment—just a paragraph or two—highlighting local support for the river. Click the Read More button below to file your personal comment. Thank You!
Georgia Committee Meets Wednesday to Consider Paddling Rights
11/11/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
The House Study Committee on Navigable Streams and Related Matters will host a final meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 9 a.m. in Newnan Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts in Newnan, GA. The committee is charged with making recommendations to the full General Assembly about where Georgians should have the right to boat, fish and hunt on the state’s rivers and streams. If the committee adopts a narrow view of this right as they appear to be considering doing, the public could lose access to almost all whitewater paddling in the state that is not on public lands. Paddlers are encouraged to attend the meeting and contact their legislators to encourage the protection of the long-held public right to paddle rivers in the state.
Georgia Committee Meeting on the Right to Paddle this Friday
09/16/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
A special state House study committee tasked with determining the public's rights to paddle on Georgia’s streams will hear from the public for the first time in a meeting scheduled for Sept. 20 at Unicoi State Park. The meeting could result in recommendations to dramatically curtail the public's right to paddle rivers in Georgia. Friday’s meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at the lodge at Unicoi State Park, near Helen, GA. Following a presentation by the Department of Natural Resources, there is time set aside on the agenda for members of the public to provide comments. Paddlers are encouraged to attend the hearing and speak up for your right to paddle the state's rivers. American Whitewater and our partners will be urging lawmakers to preserve existing recreational river uses and protect the public’s ability to float down the state’s many rivers and streams.
National Park Service Shares 2024 Gauley Season Details (WV)
08/23/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater is happy to share an open letter to boaters from the great rangers and staff of the Gauley River National Recreation Area, which contains some new information this year. This letter will keep you up to date on important management actions of the National Park Service on the Gauley River for the 2024 season. In addition, as part of our agreement with the land owner, there is no camping allowed on the Legg field that American Whitewater leases for overflow parking. As always, respect this and other private property. Enjoy, be safe, and be ready to help others out there.
Keep Updated on Rivers Affected by Fires with the AW Wildfire Info Map
07/25/2024 - by Scott Harding
It's peak fire season in much of the country and active wildfires are currently burning along several whitewater rivers in the West. Be sure to check the American Whitewater Wildfire Information Map for the latest details on whether there's an active wildfire that could affect your time on the river. It's the only map that combines detailed information on whitewater runs with constantly updated fire locations, air quality info, and more.
Contested Case Closes Portion of Watauga River, AW Moves to Intervene (NC)
06/24/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater has requested intervention in a contested case pending in the Office of Administrative Hearings challenging the rights of the public to recreate on sections of the Boone Fork and Watauga River, located near Boone, North Carolina. Our intervention is intended to provide the tribunal with factual evidence that the rivers are regularly paddled, legally and physically navigable, and thus open to the public for paddling. Paddlers that have run these sections are encouraged to contact American Whitewater through this form to help us document paddling use of these streams.
Fall River Dam Relicensing Kicks Off (ID)
06/18/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
The Fall River is home to a gem of a whitewater run flowing through a low canyon set in agricultural fields in Southeast Idaho, just west of Yellowstone National Park. A hydropower dam that regulates the flows in the whitewater run is up for relicensing starting this summer. The 5-year dam relicensing process will likely result in a new 30-50 year license for the dam in 2029. The new license could include improved instream flows and public access, and American Whitewater will be participating in the process with the help of local paddlers to seek such improvements.
Georgians Ask Your Legislators to Affirm the Right to Float
02/22/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
The Georgia General Assembly is considering legislation that would subtly shift the rights of the public to navigate and otherwise enjoy the state’s rivers. This is the second such bill in as many years, and more legislative action is anticipated on the topic. The legislature is hearing from special interest groups that seek exclusive private rights to Georgia’s rivers, and they also need to hear from the public that is concerned for their basic rights to paddle the state’s rivers. Learn more and take action in this article!
State Legislation Threatens Spring Upper Yough Releases (MD)
02/22/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
New legislation is threatening spring releases on the Upper Youghiogheny, and we encourage Maryland residents to reach out to your state House and Senate legislators to share your concerns. The bill aims to subvert the state permit for the dam that was crafted through a science-based and balanced public process, and deliver benefits to reservoir-side homeowners at the expense of downstream river users. Specifically the bill would require the power company to expand their winter drawdown of the reservoir, jeopardizing spring releases that require a full reservoir.
Idaho and Utah National Forests Block 983 Miles of River Protections
01/11/2024 - by Kevin Colburn
Late last year the US Forest Service released two new national forest management plans that deny protections for a total of 983 miles of streams that they had deemed eligible for Wild and Scenic designation. Federal law and policy requires them to protect these rivers for potential congressional designation, but instead they released the streams from protection. They released the protections to grant themselves greater flexibility to conduct logging and other activities in the river corridors, and for political reasons. American Whitewater filed a formal appeal of the Ashley plan that was denied late last year, and will file an appeal of the Nez Perce Clearwater plan in late January that is likely to meet a similar fate. With almost 1,000 miles of our nation’s finest rivers cued up to lose protection, we are working with our partners in the region to explore all of our options to protect these streams.
Washington State’s First Outstanding Resource Waters Designated
12/18/2023 - by Thomas O'Keefe
Today the Washington State Department of Ecology announced the state’s first Outstanding Resource Waters that will protect segments of the Cascade (Skagit County), Green (Skamania County), and Napeequa (Chelan County) River systems for future generations to enjoy. Outstanding resource waters are identified as having exceptional water quality, ecological and recreational values, or unique attributes that distinguish them among state waterbodies and warrant special protection. Outstanding Resource Waters have the highest level of protection assigned to a waterbody under the Tier III Antidegradation rule in Washington's water quality standards.
AW Releases Pigeon Dries Flow Survey (NC)
11/29/2023 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater has created an online flow study aimed at capturing paddlers' current flow preferences on the typically-dewatered Pigeon River Dries. Maintenance activities in recent years have afforded more paddling opportunities than is typical for the river reach, which is located between the dam and powerhouse for the Walters Hydroelectric Project. The license for the Walters dam expires in 2034 so the 5-6 year long dam relicensing process will begin in a few years. That process will include official on-water studies, and could result in scheduled releases for the Dries. American Whitewater is gathering information now to capture the current knowldege of the run to help inform these future studies and the dam relicensing process. If you've paddled the Dries, we'd love your thoughts! Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5D8JTJ6
Great Falls of the Catawba Good and Getting Better! (SC)
11/27/2023 - by Kevin Colburn
We are happy to share a few updates on the Great Falls of the Catawba that we think you'll enjoy as we reflect on the river’s first year of restored flows. First and foremost the first season was very successful with lots of happy visitors, consistent flow operations, and relatively few safety issues. With this said, we are still learning a lot about the river and how people want to visit it. A recent survey and meeting shed light on what we are learning and how things are shaping up for next year.
2024 Southeast Advanced Release Calendar Announced!
11/20/2023 - by Kevin Colburn
American Whitewater and our affiliate clubs have spent the past 25 years working to restore flows to incredible Southeastern rivers impacted by dams. A lot of our work has focused on releases and access on Class II and III rivers like the lower Nantahala, Tuckasegee, Hiwassee, and Catawba, but we also secured releases in some classic steeper reaches previously dewatered by hydroelectric diversions. Each year we meet with power companies and agencies to schedule future releases, review ongoing ecology studies, and discuss any issues with the release programs. We strive to create a schedule with minimal conflicts to maximize recreational value. In this article you'll find the 2024 dates for the Class IV/V Cheoah, Nantahala Cascades & Upper, West Fork Tuck, and Tallulah rivers.
Georgia Committee Considers Public Rights on Rivers
11/17/2023 - by Kevin Colburn
This fall the newly formed Georgia House Study Committee on Fishing Access to Freshwater Resources sought public input on fishing rights on Georgia's waterways. As the Committee’s efforts come to a close this month, they may or may not recommend that the House of Representatives draft legislation regarding the public’s rights on rivers and streams in Georgia. Any such legislation, if adopted, could limit or confirm paddlers' legal rights to paddle rivers and streams in Georgia. American Whitewater, American Canoe Association, Georgia Canoeing Association, and Georgia River Network recently wrote a letter to the Committee advocating for the long-held public right to paddle. American Whitewater and our partners will be closely following this issue in the weeks and months ahead, including reviewing any report issued by the Committee in the coming month.