Document - Wenatchee Okanogan NF RFA Comment 3JAN2008
Facilities along rivers that include trailheads, picnic areas, and campgrounds provide critical access points for whitewater recreation however many of these sites are not currently being managed to meet the needs of whitewater paddlers. Sites do not necessarily need to have areas specific to whitewater recreation but in modifying, managing, and designing sites along rivers attention should be given to this need and the broader need for contact access to the water. We wish to see more sites such as Salmon La Sac Campground on the Cle Elum River and Sawmill Flat Campground on the Naches River where access to the water is designed to be compatible with other uses.Description
Comment on Recreation Facility Analysis for Wenatchee and Okanogan National ForestsDocument Information
Filename - Wenatchee Okanogan NF RFA Comment 3JAN2008280.pdf
Size - 447.65KB
Associated Projects
Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest (WA)
The Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests are home to some great whitewater runs and AW has in interest in protecting the resource values of these rivers.