Document - Chehalis River Programatic EIS Comments
American Whitewater provides these comments on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Chehalis Basin Strategy (EIS). American Whitewater is strongly opposed to construction of a new dam on the Chehalis River. We consider both the Flood Retention Only (FRO) and Flood Retention Flow Augmentation (FRFA) dam alternatives to be unacceptable for the future of the free-flowing Chehalis River. We support further investigation and development of the Restorative Flood Protection alternative that would provide tangible habitat benefits and enhance natural flood storage capacity through restoring riparian function and reconnecting the river to its floodplain. In addition, we support investment in structural flood protection projects that do not include the flood retention facility options. These include Airport Levee improvements, I-5 projects, and Aberdeen/Hoquiam North Shore Levee. Finally, we fully support Local-Scale Flood Reduction Actions and Aquatic Species Habitat Actions. Collectively, the actions we support will best meet the Purpose and Need to substantially reduce flood damage and restore aquatic species habitat in a cost-effective and ecologically sustainable manner. We encourage the Governor's Chehalis Basin Workgroup to terminate planning for a new dam on the Chehalis River. Instead we encourage the State to invest resources in the next biennium in fully developing the Restorative Flood Protection alternative, begin project-level environmental analysis and investment in structural flood protection that does not include construction of a dam, and expand the scope and investment in Local-Scale Flood Reduction and Aquatic Species Habitat Actions.Description
Comment on the Draft Programatic EIS for the Chehalis Basin Strategy.Document Information
Filename - Chehalis River Programatic EIS Comments2180.pdf
Size - 161.09KB
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American Whitewater is committed to the stewardship and conservation of the Chehalis River where a new dam is proposed.