Document - Chehalis River Dam Scoping Comments
American Whitewater provides these comments to inform the Scope of the Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). American Whitewater is strongly opposed to construction of a new dam on the Chehalis River (characterized in the public notice as a “Flood Retention Expandable facility”). We encourage the Governor's Chehalis Basin Workgroup to terminate planning for a new dam on the Chehalis River. Instead we encourage the State to invest resources in fully developing the Restorative Flood Protection alternative, begin project-level environmental analysis and investment in structural flood protection that does not include construction of a dam, and expand the scope and investment in Local-Scale Flood Reduction and Aquatic Species Habitat Actions.Description
Scoping Comments on Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Environmental Impact StatementDocument Information
Filename - Chehalis River Dam Scoping Comments2178.pdf
Size - 196.99KB
Associated Projects
American Whitewater is committed to the stewardship and conservation of the Chehalis River where a new dam is proposed.