Document - Wild Olympics Campaign Wild & Scenic Rivers Proposal Overview
The Olympic Peninsula’s wild rivers give us clean water, world-class recreation and unmatched opportunities for inspiration and solitude. They bring jobs and economic benefits to local communities and they provide critical habitat for salmon and steelhead, and other fish and wildlife. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act was passed in 1968 to protect our nation’s last, best free-flowing rivers. Wild and Scenic designation–the strongest protection a river can receive–ensures that the free-flowing character, water quality and outstanding values of these rivers are protected for generations to come. Many of the Northwest’s most iconic rivers are protected as Wild and Scenic–the Rogue in Oregon, the Salmon in Idaho, and the Skagit in Washington. Other rivers, including most of the major river systems of the Olympic Peninsula, have been identified as eligible for Wild and Scenic designation by the federal land management agencies.Description
Overview of proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers in Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers ActDocument Information
Filename - Wild Olympics Campaign Wild & Scenic Rivers Proposal Overview2102.pdf
Size - 817.26KB
Associated Projects
Wild Olympics (WA)
A campaign to protect the free-flowing rivers of the Olympic Peninsula.