Document - Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project Comments
The Conservation Groups represent local, regional, and national environmental and recreational nonprofit organizations with an interest in protecting and restoring rivers and streams and other natural resources located in the Pacific Northwest. Each organization has a direct interest in changes to flows, public and river access, flow information, habitat, land management, watershed protection and other topics that will arise in the consideration of a hydropower project at Sunset Falls. Based on the interests stated above, the Conservation Groups hereby request Intervenor status and offer comments on the Preliminary Permit Application in this filing. The Conservation Groups strongly object to the development of the Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project due to the significant negative impacts on the recreational, aesthetic, habitat and ecological values, as well as the free flowing nature of the Skykomish River. These impacts, if allowed to occur, would violate directives and policies governing the management of this river found eligible and recommended for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and designated as a Northwest Power and Conservation Council Protected Area.Description
Comments of American Whitewater and others on the Preliminary Permit.Document Information
Filename - Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project Comments1162.pdf
Size - 144.35KB
Associated Projects
Sunset Falls Hydropower Development
Sunset Falls on the Skykomish River has been proposed for hydropower development.