Adobe Whitewater Club of New Mexico
Albuquerque,NM | Contact: | Chad Morris, Board Treasurer |
Encouraging and supporting recreational paddling opportunities for our members both within and outside the state of New Mexico. Giving voice to our membership on issues which affect our boating community. Providing a social network so our members can find others to boat with. Promoting safety through education and training. Developing and building skills through classes and individual instruction. Practicing environmental stewardship of our waterways for those who come after us.
Associated News
Associated Projects
New Mexico Stream Access
Issues on the privatizing of public streams in New Mexico
Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee Legislative Hearing Testimony (11/1/2021)
Testimony on S. 180, Buffalo Tract Protection Act; S. 1459, Protecting Unique and Beautiful Landscapes by Investing in California (PUBLIC) Lands Act; S. 1493, Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act; S. 1538, Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act; and S. 1589, Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act.