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September 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8
Upper Yough Friendsville ,MD
10 11 12 13
14 15
Upper Yough Friendsville ,MD
Upper Yough Friendsville ,MD
21 22
Upper Yough Friendsville ,MD
24 25 26 27
28 29
Upper Yough Friendsville ,MD

All Events

Event Date
Beaver Releases (Eagle Section)
Beaver, NY
08/30/25 - 10/04/25 , next 08/30/25
Beaver River, Moshier
Croghan, NY
08/31/25 - 08/31/25 , next 08/31/25
Beaver River, Taylorville
Croghan, NY
08/30/25 - 10/04/25 , next 08/30/25
CA, Pit 1 Releases
Fall River Mills, CA
10/03/25 - 10/19/25 , next 10/03/25
CA, Pit 5 Releases
Big Bend, CA
08/02/25 - 09/07/25 , next 08/02/25
Catawba River (Bridgewater section)
Glen Alpine, NC
08/02/25 - 10/26/25 , next 08/02/25
Catawba River (Great Falls - Long Channel)
Great Falls, SC
08/09/25 - 10/25/25 , next 08/09/25
Catawba River (Great Falls - Short Channel)
Great Falls, SC
08/02/25 - 10/19/25 , next 08/02/25
Robbinsville, NC
09/06/25 - 11/08/25 , next 09/06/25
Deerfield River - Dryway Section
Monroe Bridge, MA
08/01/25 - 10/05/25 , next 08/01/25
Deerfield River - Fife Brook Section
Florida, MA
08/01/25 - 10/17/25 , next 08/01/25
Gauley River (Upper & Lower)
Summersville, WV
09/05/25 - 10/19/25 , next 09/05/25
Kaukauna (WI) Releases (4 per year)
Kaukauna, WI
09/27/25 - 10/04/25 , next 09/27/25
Lehigh River
Jim Thorpe, PA
08/02/25 - 10/12/25 , next 08/02/25
Mongaup River
Sparrow Bush, NY
08/09/25 - 10/25/25 , next 08/09/25
Moose River
Fowlersville, NY
08/29/25 - 10/25/25 , next 08/29/25
North Fork Rogue Releases
Prospect, OR
08/16/25 - 09/01/25 , next 08/16/25
Colton, NY
08/09/25 - 09/01/25 , next 08/09/25
Salmon River
Pulaski, NY
08/02/25 - 08/31/25 , next 08/02/25
Savage River
Savage, MD
09/27/25 - 09/27/25 , next 09/27/25
Hollsopple, PA
08/09/25 - 10/19/25 , next 08/09/25
Tallulah Gorge
Near Tallulah Falls, GA
11/01/25 - 11/16/25 , next 11/01/25
Taylorville (Beaver)
Belfort, NY
08/30/25 - 10/04/25 , next 08/30/25
Tohickon Creek
Tinicum, PA
11/01/25 - 11/02/25 , next 11/01/25
Upper Nantahala / Cascades
Nantahala, NC
08/01/25 - 09/28/25 , next 08/01/25
Upper Yough
Friendsville , MD
08/01/25 - 10/13/25 , next 08/01/25
West Fork Tuckasegee Gorge
Tuckasegee, NC
08/09/25 - 08/30/25 , next 08/09/25
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