2007 Top Ten Stewarship Issues: Update
1. Colorado Initiative

Challenges Remaining: These statewide water supply planning efforts are the biggest threat facing Colorado’s rivers, and threaten downstream needs across the Southwestern United States and Mexico. With massive diversion schemes on the drawing board that could fundamentally change the distribution of water in the region, we will work to fold instream ecosystem needs and recreational considerations into all levels of water supply planning and quantification.

What We’ve Accomplished: For much of the last century, rivers in the Pacific Northwest have been harnessed for hydroelectricity, irrigation, and flood control. The impacts have been felt by both salmon and paddlers, but this summer Marmot Dam on the Sandy River was removed culminating several years of hard work and restoring this river for salmon and boaters.
Challenges Remaining: We are now gearing up for a major public comment period on the Snake River dams. Four dams on the Snake have drowned 140 miles of river and dozens of rapids. These dams have decimated salmon populations that would otherwise thrive in Idaho’s great rivers.
3. Restoring the Feather River, CA

Challenges Remaining: We will continue to question the ability of some agencies to scrutinize recreation releases while turning a blind eye to the other significant impacts occurring on this river.
4. Outdoor Alliance
What We’ve Accomplished: Earlier this year the member organizations of the Outdoor Alliance, representing human powered recreation, all coordinated efforts in Washington, DC to advocate for our public lands. As a result of our efforts the House Interior Appropriations Committee passed the best budget we have seen for public lands in a decade.
Challenges Remaining: Passage of a budget by both the House and Senate that invests in the management of our public lands will require continued effort through 2007.
5. Little Tennessee Campaign, NC

Challenges remaining: We need to keep constant pressure on the state for removal of Dillsboro Dam and on federal regulators for licensing of the other Tuckasegee and Nantahala river dams.
6. Chattooga River, NC/SC/GA

Challenges remaining: We’ll have to comment on the Environmental Assessment in November and then react to a decision due out in December. The reaction could require an administrative appeal and/or litigation.
7. White Salmon, WA

Challenges Remaining: Federal regulators must still issue a final decision for dam removal. We still have some work to do to ensure a favorable decision that will allow dam removal to proceed.
8. Government Owned Dams

Challenges Remaining: While our work on individual projects continues we will also be working with national staff at federal agencies to improve opportunities for river-based recreation. Agencies like the Army Corps of Engineers have traditionally focused on reservoir recreation, but we are highlighting the opportunities that exist on rivers downstream of these projects.
9. Gauley River Access, WV

Challenges Remaining: We will have to stay engaged until an access area is purchased. Any purchase will require political and financial support.
10. Ausable River, NY

Challenges Remaining: The greatest challenge on the Ausable is patience. This long overdue decision is promised to us this fall, and we must await it and determine if additional action is needed.
While we are proud of all the work we have accomplished this year, including many projects not listed here, and the growth in our stewardship program, we need your help to sustain our success. Your support through memberships and donations enables our staff to be active and engaged in the process of river stewardship. Donations don’t have to be large; each person doing a small part makes a noticeable difference.
When you donate, join or renew your membership, or purchase a gift membership for your paddling buddy, you are helping to meet the many challenges whitewater rivers face. To support American Whitewater's work today click here.